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Image by Lucas Kapla

Give A Single Gift or Become A Partner

Our Partners are a community of monthly givers who are committed to seeing our students flourish. Scroll down to view the different options for partnership.

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No matter the amount, every "single gift" helps us to reach and teach the next generation.

Fists in Solidarity


Set a donation amount that fits your budget to be automatically processed each month. Ex: $25, $50, $75 monthly



$150 = 1 student.

This includes four 60 minute lessons per month, music theory books, and various program related expenses.

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Our anchor donors are those who desire to play a significant financial role in Community Creatives on an annual basis.

Chris & Risa

We are so thankful for your generosity! Please know that with your monthly partnership or sponsorship, you are not just providing music lessons for the next generation - you are funding change. Every student that comes into Community Creatives will be championed to discover and grow in their gifts, as well as encouraged to be who they were created to be. They will experience love and safety as their creativity is fostered. 


It is your kind benevolence that makes this possible.

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